Friday, February 5, 2010

A smile tip: You will never look good with your front tooth on the bottom of your Martini glass. I don't care who you are.

We are all getting older and if you want to keep your teeth you are going to have to put a little effort into it. Here are some quick tips to keep healthy teeth and gums:

1. Brush and floss twice a day. I know you say you do, but you don't.
2. Have 2 toothbrushes, one to use and the other to dry out. Alternate them.
3. Spend 3 minutes brushing including the bristle hitting 1/2 of the gum line and the other 1/2 on the tooth. Yes, 3 minutes. I know your busy, but you can find the time.
4. Alternate daily rinse routines. One day Listerine, another day a mix of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water (equal parts of each, do not swallow) another day a heavy dose of salt in warm water.
5. Drink Green Tea.
6. Take your vitamins! Especially C and Calcium.
7. Eat a least 1 raw vegetable per day.
8. See your Dentist every 6 months.

It may not seem important right now, but the first time you are out and all dressed looking totally great and suddenly your front tooth falls out and lands in the bottom your Martini glass your going to remember what I just said.

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