Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I would like to start posting some low carb, healthy recipes and ideas for meals. One of my favorite breakfasts is two eggs ( I eat the whole egg, just the whites would be a better choice) fried in a pan with Pam cooking spray. I add onions, bell peppers, a roma tomato and salsa or Tabasco. If I have any kind of meat from the night before or a little cheese I will also add that. Even a scoop of cottage cheese on top is great! Depending on how much and what you add, this is a low carb, low fat, low cal option for breakfast that will hold you for hours. Get an Atkins pocket hand book on the carbs in different foods so you get familiar with the carb counts.
For snacks I recommend a hand full of nuts and a slice of low fat cheese or turkey slices with mustard and rolled in lettuce. Always include a fruit serving in your day. Fruit is tricky! Some are LOADED with carbs, check your carb hand book and pick the right fruits if you are trying to lose weight. Losing weight is under 25 carbs per day. Once you've reached your goal or are close to it slowly start adding healthy carbs back in. You will know how many your body needs to maintain your weight. I suggest weighing yourself everyday to figure that part out. I need somewhere around 40 per day. Remember, eat healthy carbs when you eat them. Eat whole wheat, high fiber. Don't add sweets, desserts, sugars. Those are not good choices!

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