Friday, December 18, 2009

Breast Implants

My best friend came out to my desert house last night. We BBQ'D under the stars and played cards til nearly midnight. She kicked my "ace" by the way.
She was telling me that my plastic surgeon has been on TV doing the OC Housewives plastic surgery. His name is Dr. Ambe and he works out of Newport Beach, Ca. He did impeccable work on me and I would highly recommend him. I had my implants done about 5 years ago and at the time he charged $7,000.00. I have no idea what he charges now.
I chose under the muscle and under the nipple line. I have actually had this surgery twice and he went through the same incision I had the first time and there is still no scar!
You are suppose to change them out every 5 to 10 years. I think in retrospect, I would not have gone so large, DD, It's really hard to wear cute fitted shirts and jackets. I think if I would have stayed around a C cup I would have been wiser.
If anyone is considering this surgery, pick your doctor very, very carefully. Also big boobs are fun for awhile, but remember they are not an accessory to be worn when you feel like it. They are always there. I would lean towards the smaller cup size of where you want to be. I wish someone had told me this 5 years ago!

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