Thursday, February 18, 2010

5 birthdays to look like Madonna: Her diet tips.

Okay, I've never been a huge fan of Madonnas music, but she has always looked great! She's 51 years old and is amazing. She's been on the cutting edge of fashion, music and entertainment since 1983.

This just proves my point that as women get older they can get better. She's hotter than any 20 year old I've seen.

I've read that when Madonna diets is quite strict. She cuts out alcohol, dairy and processed foods. No root vegetables like potato's and only one whole grain carbohydrate serving per day. Also, no oils or sauces and a lot of WATER.

What she does eat is lean meats, fish, salads, vegetables and some fruit. Sounds okay! And if you could end up with a body like that....... Of course we know that there is A LOT of exercise and training that goes with this. If I start now, I have 5 years to try to get close.

See, getting old is not so bad. I have something to look forward to for the next 5 birthdays!

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