Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Just a side note to all my diet talk....Fernando Botero

Fernando Botero is one of my favorite artists. If you have not seen his work you should go to one of the many sites that showcase his paintings. He is really great!

Fiber and low carbs...

It's hard to get enough fiber when you eat low carbs. It's so important though. Without fiber it's hard to stay regular. Not only do you feel bad when you don't poop every day, but it makes you bloated and fat. I know I should be getting more fiber just from the foods I eat, but it does not always happen. I go through "kicks" of eating fibery foods then stop and get strict with my low carb eating. Thats what I am doing now so I am on fiber pills. They work, but I should really solve the problem by eating better.
I am trying to find a low carb high fiber food.... I will let you know. Until then if you have this problem take fiber pills, they do help.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Recipe: Love Hash Browns? Hate Carbs? Try This!

Low Carb, Low Fat, Low Calorie! Cauliflower Hash Browns!

I love hash browns but would never eat them because of the high carbs from the potatoes so I came up with this recipe. It is so good!

1 cauliflower head
2 eggs
1/4 stick of butter ( I use a butter substitute, "I can't believe it's not butter" spray
3 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
1/4 red onion, finely chopped
1/4 bell pepper finely chopped
1/4 cup of milk
garlic, crushed peppers, salt and pepper to taste

Boil cauliflower until tender then let cool
When cooled mash in a large mixing bowl with all other ingredients
( mash like you would mashed potatoes)

Heat a frying pan with a light coat of olive oil
Add mixture to pan and fry until golden brown

Great substitute for hash browns, even my husband liked them.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dry hair? Try this great recipe for a hair mask.

I bleach my hair, blow dry and straighten with a flat iron. It is hair suicide. I tried this the other night and it did help. I am going to do this once a week.

1/4 avocado
1 large tablespoon of real mayonnaise
1 teaspoon of olive oil
( I have shoulder length hair, for longer hair double up on recipe. )

Mix in a bowl
Apply to dry hair
Cover hair in plastic bag or anything you can sleep in, cover your pillow with a towel.
Leave overnight then wash hair thoroughly and condition in the am.

Hair will dry hard, but after a good washing it's soft!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy Birthday.....

My 46th birthday has come and gone. It was great. I never hit my weight goal of 135 lbs., but I did get to 142 lbs. I had a major knee injury about 2 months ago and have stopped all exercise, so the fact that I got as far as I did in my weight loss was good. I am slowly starting back to exercising with short walks. Knee injuries are so hard to get through. They are very slow healing. My advice when exercising is to be very careful, one slip or fall puts you out of commission for a really long time.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I hate to point out the obvious, but your diet and exercise plan sucks!!!!

Yeah, I am on my Starbucks rant again, I must. I do love it, and I am there at least 3-4 times per week. I usually go very early in the morning. That's when the "exercisers" come in after there work out. What kills me is the really over weight women who come in with their exercise clothes, their hair up in a pony tail, the work out jacket tied around their hips and their carpi pants with little lacy socks, talking in line about how great it feels to exercise in the morning and how great it is to start the day feeling invigorated and healthy! Now, I notice these things, they have all of their make-up on and clearly have not broken a sweat. Then, they have the nerve to order a Venti Frappuccino with extra whip and a double iced cinnamon roll. The total calorie count is 1,200!!!!!! Just for breakfast, that is your total calorie count for a whole day. Do you know how hard you would have to work out to burn those calories. It's impossible!!!! Then you'll hear the same person saying "I don't know why I can't lose weight, all I had for breakfast was a cup of coffee and a roll.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Diet? Not today. I want hot wings with extra ranch, please.

Nachos, chicken wings, french fries dipped in ranch dressing, pizza. Why do these foods haunt me? Why do I spend so much time thinking about them? What is the obsession? I want to be thin by summer, not a heffer. I want my thighs to have space in between them, not rubbing together and making clapping sounds with every step. I want to lose my love handles, have thin thighs and I never want cankles! You can only get these horrible physical attributes with improper eating, yet I dream of eating these foods like they are my drug of choice.
Sometimes I think, "what's so wrong with a little pot belly? I am 46 years old, who cares?"
I do. I can't get up in the morning and face the day if I feel that I am over weight. Weight is what you make of it. My thin might not be yours and yours maybe far from mine.
To combat my eating binges I often go through my closet and get rid of all of my fat clothes. My closet now consists of size 5 thru 8. I am actually ok with these sizes. Everyone fluctuates and at 5-9' I am good where I am.
SO.......... WHERE ARE MY F****** NACHOS?

Monday, March 1, 2010

My advice for losing weight ASAP: SHUT YOUR F****** MOUTH!

I am the low carb believer. I have gone from 180 lbs. to 142 lbs. on this "diet". (It is not really a diet to me, it is the way I eat ) But, recently I have injured my knee and have not been able to exercise. I have also plateaued on my current low carb plan. While I am still low carbing I have added some more fiber rich, GOOD CARB foods such as oatmeal and whole grain bread and a little more fruit. This helps to keep you pooping! The lack of movement in your life makes it hard to go to the bathroom. You must exercise! But if you can't, you can't.
Anyway, back to the point and what I have learned from this experience is that you can eat some carbs and you don't have to run your ass off to lose weight if, and this is the important part, YOU KEEP YOUR F*****G MOUTH SHUT!!! Stop eating so much, stop eating because your bored, your angry, your happy. JUST STOP! YOU DON'T NEED THAT MUCH FOOD! Eating 3 small meals and 1 snack should do it. And be sure to eat the right choices such as low carb, high fiber foods. Stop stuffing it in. Don't clean your plate. JUST ZIP IT!